Introduction to Wellness And Prevention

Wellness and prevention.

Many people know that chiropractic adjustments and therapies can help with physical pain and problems, but a large part of chiropractic care focuses on wellness and prevention. While they may seem like the same thing, wellness care and preventive care are different. It is important for us as chiropractors to make sure that you are feeling well and that we try to keep you from pain and injury as best we can. Chiropractors want to work with you to make sure, too, that you are involved in your care and know what steps you can take to keep yourself moving and feeling well.

Wellness Care

You don’t have to have a painful problem to visit a chiropractor. In fact, many people visit a chiropractor for wellness care to keep themselves moving, functioning and feeling well. Chiropractors can offer suggestions for what you can do to keep feeling well. For example, daily exercise is important and has many health-boosting effects besides helping you become physically fit—regular exercise can boost your immune system, give you “feel good” endorphins, and improve your muscle strength, heart and lungs. Nutrition is also an important part of your wellness care. Many chiropractors have experience in nutritional counseling and/or providing natural supplement recommendations for wellness.

Minimizing physical stress on your body will also encourage wellness. Whether you need help with posture, workstation setup or evaluating your exercise routine, talk with us about how everyday physical stress may be affecting you—we are happy to help!

Once you know what it feels like to have your muscles, bones and nerves functioning properly, you will want to continue feeling that way. A poll conducted in 2015 showed that 31% of chiropractic patients visited their chiropractor regularly even if they weren’t experiencing pain, and that 22% of chiropractic patients wanted to talk to a chiropractor about general health and wellness.

Preventive Care

Preventive care is very similar to wellness care; however, preventive care is more specific and goal-oriented. Most of the time, the goal of preventive chiropractic care is to maintain pain-free motion and keep pain from returning in a certain area (such as a repeat occurrence of lower back pain).

While chiropractors provide various modes of treatment aimed at preventing future pain and dysfunction, patients often participate in their own care. Chiropractors offer patients education and support to help them care for themselves between treatment visits.

If you have been following a preventive care program and schedule (which depends on your condition and lifestyle), your body will be tuned to heal naturally and recover from injury more quickly. Of course, your chiropractor will discuss your lifestyle/habits and goals for treatment before creating a preventive care plan with you. This preventive program can come only after your chiropractor has addressed any pain or functional problems you may currently have to create a solid foundation of health upon which to build.

Keeping your spinal health, and therefore the health of your nervous system, in good shape is a great investment in your overall health and wellness. Whether you have suffered an injury or painful condition or want to keep yourself moving and feeling well, chiropractic care can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm






What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "This was written on a yelp review of Dr. Beech. "This review of Dr. Gina Beech comes very easy to write. She is ot just a talented chiropractor, but she is also caring and generous with her patients. Her practice is pleasantly informal. It is a community. Everyone is friendly and dedicated to helping patients.
    I am a veterinary chiropractor and Dr. Beech's approach to patient care is similar to mine. I appreciate her combination of modalities: e-stim, ultrasound, and osseous adjustments. When needed, she will also recommend nutraceuticals such as Standard Process supplements.
    My work is often very physical and Dr. Beech keeps me running well. I am now seeing her almost weekly for my tune-ups. I find her care necessary and invaluable. I always feel great after treatment."
    Leanne L.
  • "Dr. Beech runs a great practice. She and her staff are accommodating and personable, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for patients. I've had a wonderful experience going here. Dr. Beech provides excellent, effective treatment and I feel like I am in good hands when undergoing therapy for my neck/upper back injury. Moreover, there is little to no waiting time to go in to see the doctor when coming in to the office for an appointment, which is nice. Most importantly, I know I am receiving the right care and course of treatment needed to heal. I highly recommend Bethesda Back Center."
    Sue B.
  • "I have been going to Dr. Beech for about eight years. When you enter her office, you are treated as if you are a friend entering her home. The atmosphere is friendly and laid back. Sometimes she personally answers phone call and e-mails. I have never experienced that with any other doctor. She spends as much time as she considers necessary with her patients. unlike many doctors who seem to be in a rush to see their next patient."
    Mark G.